If you're on a personal machine, you should be able to update your version if IE - visit the IE download page. If you work in an organisation, you will most likely have a friendly IT support person who can look at updating your browser to something created this decade. Hence we are not going to make any special concessions to IE 7, and we will not be testing our sites in IE 7. We can no longer justify the effort needed to make sure everything still works in such an old, superseded browser. IE 7 users now constitute less than five per cent of the visitors to ANU websites. However, if we want to give a modern web experience to you, we need to use some of these newer technologies. Poor old IE 7 was never designed to understand new technologies like HTML 5. Not only are there more pictures of cats than ever, there are also new technologies being used to create websites. Since 2006, the internet has changed quite a bit. The world was a different place - and so was the internet. There were no iPhones, iPads, Android phones or tablets. In 2006, the world was watching Cars in the cinema, and Malcolm in the Middle on TV. Internet Explorer (IE) 7 was released by Microsoft in 2006. We can't work out which browser you are using. » Step by step guide » ANU web environment » Internet Explorer 7 is not supported Internet Explorer 7 is not supported